Part 108: 01/15/10 - 01/17/10: Adamah The Earth Below (Part Two: World Balance)

Can you believe we're halfway through the month already? How time flies when we're faced with impending doom.

Since most days are as good as any other, we'll probably be done with the remaining half of January relatively quick too. Especially since we've only got Aigis and Mitsuru to spend time with now.
Speaking of which, today is a Friday. This removes half of our remaining options, so...

> The dogs seem angry.

Brown Dog: Bark! Bark!

Big Dog: Woof! Woof, woof!

oh no is koro okay???

Small Dog: Yap yap yap!

Blame the internet, not me. They keep voting him in to fight bosses!

Brown Dog: Grrrrr....
> They don't seem to want to listen...

Brown Dog: *whimper*

Brown Dog: *whine*

> You sense faint affection from Aigis...

> You parted with Aigis and went back to the dorm.

Eh, nah, that's alright. We've still got time.

Considering the way he was rambling about it during that long "oh by the way, I'm evil!" scene, pretty sure it's not a coincidence.

No, Junpei, the people who don't know who Strega are can't tell that Strega is behind the cult. Weird, I know.

I knew it!
Newscaster: To ward off Apathy Syndrome, wear your shirt inside-out! You never know... It might work...
So, yeah, we're not quite gonna go to Tartarus just yet.

But it'll be fine, I'm sure. There's nothing to worry about.

Since today's a Friday, we COULD spend it with either Mitsuru or Aigis. But spending it with Aigis is technically more efficient, so...

Really no point in lying here.

Eh, close enough.

Pretty simple searching montage of sorts here.

Kinda. Not much actual searching going on, though.

Just a lot of standing on one spot looking back and forth.

> Aigis is smiling...

> You decided to go back to the dorm separately.

It's been repeated a few times by now, so yeah. It's showcasing a pretty simple idea that we won't let Nyx be the end and all, but it's repetitive and having more than one thing would help more.

By all accounts, Mitsuru's grandpa was a complete nutjob, much like Ikutsuki, so he would totally be down with Strega and co. here. A lot of what is happening is kinda his fault, as you might recall, but we'll cover that a bit more in due time. It gets, uh, special and is only ever expanded on in supplementary materials.

Newscaster: One student who brought a BB rifle to the testing center sent a panic through the crowd...
Why would you do that what

Been a while, so let's take Koromaru out for a walk and hey look at that, Mitsuru can come too.

That's a really clunky and weird way of saying that. It sure feels like a bizarrely overly-literal translation of something, at least, which has mostly been avoided otherwise.

> You spoke with Mitsuru for a while.

Sadly, Sundays have kinda become like any other day except way more boring. Nothing for us to do on 'em unless something specific comes up.

There's still some updated in-dorm dialogue at least.

Yeah, not much upstairs today. There's always the TV of course!

And NOW I'm pretty sure Phoenix Ranger Featherman R is wrapping up. You don't introduce Giant King Torture at the midway point of a series, after all.
But, yeah, that's it until the evening when Akihiko and Mitsuru are obviously gonna be back from More Exams so...

Anyway, something more important than all these platitudes...

Tartarus, of course! Gonna be going with these folks this time around.

There ARE some new Shadows this time, thankfully.

Managed to find some new armor for the boys that's got decent defense, but isn't cosmetic so who cares. Only available in Adamah prior to the World Balance, as a rare chest item, which is something at least. Probably just gonna sell it though.

On Floor 234, Fuuka manages to find where the World Balance is.
Yes, 234. You read that right. Thanks, Fuuka.
Rather notably, this didn't give us a rank up in Judgement. Sure, okay.

So, let's take a look at our new Shadows. Not too many of 'em this time around, and they're almost all a lower level than the Onmen Musha from before.
Like the Silver Dice, here. Immune to phys to mostly prevent Autoing, but weak to Instant Death. An interesting decision to be sure, but it does mean we just drop Die For Me! or Samsara and move on.

Light Balance are a bit more difficult because of being immune to both. Their skillset leaves something to be desired on the offense front though, and they're weak to Elec so we hit 'em with a (Ma)Ziodyne instead. That usually sorts 'em out.

Doom Sword usually come with Light Balances to give a bit of a minor annoyance what with repelling Elec and all. Still, Deathbound makes them sort of a threat but their Ice weakness doesn't help them out and even Akihiko can one-shot them with a basic attack thanks to his new gloves.

Royal Dancers are simultaneously the strongest opponent here and also the weakest. Sexy Dance and Myriad Arrows is a pretty lethal combination, but... Myriad Arrows and Maragion (and their basic attack) is all they have for damage. We have Abaddon. He makes Makoto outright unkillable against these guys. That they have no weakness and are immune to Instant Death is mildly annoying, but not enough to care.

Our old friends, the Daring Gigas, turn up here as normal fodder too. They're the same as when they were red shadows at the end of Harabah, so we hit 'em with Wind and move on.

Finally, we have the Infinite Sand wh seems more like a threat now that I pay attention to its skills for once. Mostly, anyway. Also happens to be weak to Ice, and it usually comes with a Doom Sword/Light Balance. Not much fancy here, but the minor level difference does mean it normally survives getting punches by a Sabazios wielding Akihiko.

Since there's nothing else of interest to happen during the ascent, might as well mention the Heart Items we have now. Chernobog gives us the least useful one of the bunch for the moment. It has a rad name, but it's just Null Slash. It could be useful at some point, but we don't have a pressing need for it anytime soon.

Carried Thor around to get a second pair of these things. Gonna be using that for sure. Norn is our primary offense for the Balance (well, okay, we could fuse Panta Rhei onto other stuff but I like Norn

Oh, and Surt gave us his item outside of Portable at last too. Null Fire's very handy and I'm giving this to Mitsuru of course.

Not making a Null Ice item, because it requires a level 69 Persona and Makoto just barely squeaked by that right before hitting the World Balance's floor.

Also the Persona in question is an Empress Arcana Persona, so we'd definitely have to grind a fair bit to get it. Sorry, Akihiko.

I normally make a sarcastic quip here about how that's untrue, but... for once, she's right. The World Balance will fuck you up and I love it.

It's not got the most varied moveset in the world; on paper it has a lot of stuff, sure. Most of it is just the four Dynes though. Primarily throws out multi-target spells, of course.

But occasionally slips in a single target one to keep you paying attention (and/or to exploit a weakness because it knows roughly what your weaknesses are!).
In fact, the World Balance is a bit different to most things we've fought because it switches up its moveset as the fight progresses. For the first one-third of its 3100 HP, it uses Dynes and that's basically it. Sometimes it slips in...

A Megidola, just to give you something you can't just no-sell. It's technically worse than the Dynes, but its more survivable so it evens out.

Once it drops to around 2000HP left it mostly sticks to the Ma-Dynes like before, but if its feeling extra saucy it throws in a Mahamaon/Mamudoon just to see if it can wipe the board as quickly as possible (and in vanilla/FES Homunculi only save Makoto, so it's more effective than you'd think!).

When its finally on death's door, it just drops all pretenses and wants to murder you. It does this in an interesting way; remember what I said before about how it knows weaknesses? Yeah, it uses that here. It'll drop a single-target Dyne on whoever's weakness it can exploit and in the follow up use a Megidolaon.
Did you survive the Dyne? Yes? Fuck you, eat shit and die. It's fairly effective, at that because Down does lead to extra damage and all and it has such a high base power and all... and the World Balance has 62 Magic which doesn't help either. It's not ideal for us, but Megidolaon is the best Almighty spell almost every enemy gets so they have to deal with it.
It also sometimes just drops the Megidolaon without futzing around with prissy Dynes.
Ah, but here's a catch: the World Balance only has 500SP. Megidola(on) are super expensive, so you can wait it out easily right? Ahahahaha.

If its SP runs low, or if it just feels like it, it can also use Spirit Drain. No big deal, right? That's only a fixed 20SP. What's the issue he--

That's not 20SP!

That drained, and restored, more than Makoto's max SP.
No, you can't do that with Spirit Drain. Your Spirit Drain (and Mitsuru's... and most enemies...) is always a fixed 20. Fuck you, World Balance that's just cheating and you know it.

Okay, but seriously, I love this fight. It's not super easy, it's not too difficult once you have a plan in mind. It's a great slobberknocker and as mentioned before the World Balance is one of a scant few enemies that get genuinely angry at you and enter the good ol' Megidolaon spam if you try and use Makarakarn or a Magic Mirror.
Also, it's level 72, has 30 Strength (sure okay), 62 Magic as mentioned above, 42 Endurance, 65 Agility for some absurd reason and 42 Luck. Resists all Physicals but is neutral to Fire/Ice/Wind/Elec which means you gotta fight Magic with Magic. It's fun; after 99% of the game has been easy, simple fights that don't require effort this guy shows up and reminds you that oh yeah I am playing on Hard. Super easy to forget most of the time, huh?

Even get a rank up for Judgement that feels sorta earned for once.

...Just the one chest here, though...? That's odd.

Oh, wait, no, there we are. They're in different corridors this time. Sure, why not, I guess.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to take a quick break before considering whether or not I want to sneak more Tartatus in without warning again.